
Don’t let rejection affect and control your life. People tend to lose their confidence once they experience rejection. Sometimes, they do not continue the things they started because of the thinking that they will be rejected again. We should just continue the match even if rejection’s at our side. I want to share this with you guys. Last July 2015, we had a party themed ''Kpop in Black And White Fashion ''`. I actually wore something unique and I chose to wear that because I know I'm the only one who’ll wear it on that night. Many people said that I really deserve to win the title, but I actually lost. That night, I felt so bad because I already assumed that I’m gonna win. One of the unforgettable things happened in my life is when one of my teachers told me that '' Sometimes putting too much in your work will lead you to a wrong way”. He reminded me that I really need to balance everything. Rejection? Frankly, it’s hard to accept because we are expecting too much but at the end, we did not get what we want. As we look back in our lives, we should realize that every time we’re rejected from something, we were actually being re-directed to something better. Rejection is not the end of our journey. People always choose to dream in silence cause in silence we can find no rejection. You know what? Rejection is better than having regrets. Yes, you may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you’ll always end up where you're meant to be. Use that rejection to be stronger and mold you into a better person, so that when you became successful, you can proudly look to those people that rejected you. Always remember that sometimes rejection is God's protection. ''DONT LET REJECTION AFFECT YOU FOR DOING THINGS THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY''. P.S. Sorry for being inactive on this blog for the past few days. I just became busy with random stuff. Hope I can catch up to you guys. God bless.

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